Thursday, April 19, 2018

Changes to EBSCO Databases

If you've been using EBSCO recently, you may have noticed a few changes to the design.  Lots of white space, bold and bigger text links mean that the view from EBSCO through mobile devices and desktops is even better, clearer and cleaner.
The EBSCO databases give you access to millions of journal articles from subject areas, such as, business, health, psychology, and humanities subjects.  

Go to the Library website and click Major Databases from the Quick Links menu and choose EBSCO.

Friday, April 13, 2018

More study space at Keele University Library

We recognise that students would like additional study space, especially in the run up to exams. So over the Easter vacation we've been working hard with Estates to create thirty more silent study spaces, which are now available on the ground floor of the Campus Library.

Hot Right Now!

Since the New Year, our Dawsonera ebooks have been used 273,990 times. In three months! Interestingly, the top results are different for each month, which gives us an idea of the topics that are currently hot right now.

 Pass the PSA book image
Cardiorespiratory physiotherapy book image
 International business book image
January saw Pass the PSA in the top spot with 5883 uses. That’s the Prescribing Skills Assessment to you and me.
Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy: Adults and Paediatrics was on top in February with 3893 uses.
And a change of pace for March with International Business: Environments and Operations seeing 2478 uses.

If you’re a stat fan then here’s the Top 10 for each of those months:
1. Pass the PSA – 5883
4. Structural Geology – 1409
Library Search logo

If you want to view any of the Top 10 titles, just click on the title links above, but the best way to find ebooks is by using Library Search and the “Search Books and More" option.  Enter the title or keywords and from the results, use the filters to select "Full Text Online" and then select "Books" from the Resource Type filters. This will show you the ebook. Click the "View Online" link for the ebook and log-in with your Keele IT username and password, if prompted.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Tom’s Archive Work Placement Blog No2

2018 marks the 100th anniversary of British women (over the age of 30) first gaining the right to vote in parliamentary elections, so to honour this I’ve delved into the Archives and uncovered the 1906 diary of Ethel Wedgwood, wife of Josiah Clement Wedgwood M.P. This diary provides invaluable insight into Ethel’s social and political activities and, crucially, her first hand encounters with the Suffragist movement.

Ethel Wedgwood’s diary 1906 (UGSD188) Special Collections and Archives, Keele University Library

Josiah Clement Wedgwood was particularly active in politics, representing Newcastle-under-Lyme in parliamentary debate for over 35 years. Politics was naturally high on the agenda for discussion within the family, and Ethel was very much involved in her husband’s political career, recording her daily observations in the House of Commons within her diaries.

At the time of Ethel’s writings, the National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies (NUWSS) had only just begun to adopt more militant tactics. These new tactics are observed in many of Ethel’s diary entries, in which she details the controversial nature of “Pankhurst & Co.” (most likely referring to Christabel Pankhurst, Emmeline’s daughter), who would frequently interrupt political meetings and generally, in Ethel’s opinion, act like “insufferable nuisances”.

We can quite clearly deduce from her writings that Ethel was not too fond of the Suffragists and their aggression, most evident through her concern that the controversial tactics of the group would “set half the country against” the women’s plight, and instead preferring to defend the rights of her “Staffordshire Women” through respectable debate.

Ethel’s qualms with Pankhurst and her Suffragettes illustrate the extent of opposition that these women faced, not just from men, but from people of any gender and class. Even so, while their controversial tactics may not have made them many friends among politicians, it is impossible to deny the effect that the Suffragettes had on the public consciousness, using their commitment and determination to force women’s suffrage to the forefront of political and social discussion. Without them, we would not be where we are today!

An extract from Ethel Wedgwood’s 1906 diary (UGSD188) Special Collections and Archives, Keele University Library

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Further information on downloading your Notes from MyiLibrary’s (Coutts) ebooks

Downloading Your Notes from MyiLibrary’s (Coutts) ebooks

All ebooks from the MyiLibrary platform will be migrating to ProQuest’s Ebook Central soon, but any notes you’ve saved won’t go with them!

You can download any notes you’ve saved using ebooks through MyiLibrary, but you need to log-in to your MyiLibrary account first.

Open up a MyiLibrary (Coutts) ebook and click on My Account then login with the username and password you used when creating the account.


You can access your notes from the main menu or from the Personalised Links when you first log-in to your account by clicking on “Notes”.

Just check the box next to the notes you want to download then click “Email Selected” and your notes will be sent straight to your inbox.

Or you can print the notes out by checking the boxes and clicking “Print Selected” then clicking “Print this page” to send it to your printer.